Most adults have four wisdom teeth. Its eruption may be painful, grow irregularly or pose no issues in some adults. These teeth can often times causes several dental problems such as:
-Tooth impaction
-Pericoronitis (infections)
-Bad Breathe
-Dental Caries on adjacent tooth
Of all its side effect, Pericoronitis has some serious health impacts that can affect the livelihood of the patient.
Pericoronitis is an infection of the gum tissue around the crown of a tooth.
Symptoms include:
-Swelling gums,
-Gum pain
-Bad breathe
-Pus discharge
-Difficulty in opening the mouth or swallowing
-Its can mimic a common cold or give an “off -and -on” feeling of jaw pain.
Who’s most likely to get Pericoronitis?
Anyone with wisdom teeth especially those not fully erupted.
Those with gum tissue covering a part of the molar can have food trapped in and start breeding colonies of infectious bacteria.
Also those with impacted teeth that are partially erupted and difficult to clean are at risk.
Treatment of Pericoronitis
-For a mild pericoronitis, good oral hygiene, regularly scaling and polishing, deep scaling, gargling with warm salt water or diluted hydrogen peroxide and/or recommended antibiotics .
-A severe or recurrent pericoronitis will require an extraction.
Why do we recommend wisdom tooth removal?
Overall, impacted or partially erupted teeth are risk factors for your total health.
Removing impacted tooth prevent root caries on adjacent tooth..
To avoid a recurrent episode of pericoronitis. It’s better safe than sorry.
Contact us for more information..